The Best of American Idol 7

I love editing sounds. So I’ve compiled some of what I think has the best VOCALS on American Idol 7. Songs were cut off at about 15-30 secs each to show off the artist’s vocal range. Total Time: 4 min, 23 sec (4.03MB, 128kbps, mp3 format)

Criteria for Judging on Singing Competitions

Looking back, singing competitions used to have a criteria for judging (e.g. Star for a Night, Sing Galing, Star in a Million, and Pinoy Dream Academy). The criteria helps judges evaluate the singer’s vocal range, versatility, originality, and stage presence. Fan base is not included.

Another thing that I like about singing competitions is I get to hear amazing vocals that I don’t usually hear on the radio. Singing contests are different from MTV and MTV is not a singing contest.

So what makes a singer better than the other? For me, these are what I always look for: Continue reading Criteria for Judging on Singing Competitions