I Want His Hat, Coconut Fedora

Jason Mraz Hat 7

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I guess that explains why his latest studio album, We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things, looks like this:
We Sing, We Dance, We Steal ThingsWhen I was watching his latest music video, “I’m yours”, he looks as if he’s saying “Hey I’ve got a nice hat, and you don’t”. I dont know, I just got this feeling that he’s so proud of it. I envied how his hat fit on him. It looks awesome! I want to have one too. I don’t really know what its called so I asked my friend, and he said its a cuban hat. But when I searched for it on Wikipedia, I found a fedora hat. Luckily, when I was walking along the streets of Las Piñas, I found a street vendor selling fedoras. I bought one and tried it, but its too big for my head and it is made of a different material. So I searched further on Google and the closest thing I could find is a coconut fedora. So if you guys have any information about where to find this hat, please tell me. Thanks. (As if, I have lots of readers.)

14 thoughts on “I Want His Hat, Coconut Fedora”

  1. @whitemoth, not yet. still searching…

    @Greg, its brim is too short.

    @nacho, nice! i like that! but the color seems dark. i only wish they have a lighter version.

  2. In an interview or concert or blog or something, somewhere, Jason said that that hat was lost in his luggage. He has a new one now, a black one. That hat, I’m almost 100% positive, is a Goorin Bros. hat. I’ve seen it and an alternate color one sold. Unfortunately, I think it is no longer in production; I cannot find it anywhere.


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