Eclectic artist, Jason Mraz

Jason Mraz is one of my favorite artists in the music industry. Its been a long time since I heard him sing. It just so happened that while I was listening to my AI7 mp3s, I noticed that one of the contestants (Jason Castro) sounded like him except that Castro couldn’t belt out.

Anyway, I searched for “Jason Mraz” on Wikipedia and to my surprise found out that he has just released a new studio album. And so I decided to make this post about him.

Jason MrazJason Thomas Mraz (born June 23, 1977) is an American singer-songwriter, born and raised in Mechanicsville, Virginia, a suburb of Richmond.

Mraz is an eclectic artist with multiple and varied stylistic influences, including pop, rock, folk, jazz, country, and hip hop.

Jason Mraz

What I like about Jason Mraz is his versatility as a vocalist.

Jason Mraz can sing.

(Sound Clip 1)

Jason Mraz can also rap.

(Sound Clip 2)

Jason Mraz can do vocal acrobatics as well.

(Sound Clip 3)

Jason Mraz can sing alternative songs. There’s no need to expect something extraordinary from him vocally on these songs. In alternative songs, it is “usually” the band or the “arrangement” that does the job. (I think)

(Sound Clip 4)

What else? Oh wait, there’s more!

Jason Mraz can do opera! His solo opera can be heard at 1:10, after the chorus of this slow emo love song entitled, Mr. Curiosity.

(Sound Clip 5)

If you don’t believe that it was him singing, you can watch him here to be convinced.

Lastly, here is Jason Mraz singing an upbeat version of Mr. Curiosity.

(Sound Clip 6)

Upbeat version of Mr. Curiosity with opera.

Sound Clip Sources:

Sound clip 1 (Total Time: 2:02, 1.86MB)
I’m Yours
You and I Both

Sound Clip 2 (Total Time: 1:32, 1.41MB)
Curbside Prophet
Geek In Pink
The Remedy (I Won’t Worry)

Sound Clip 3 (Total Time: 0:27, 433KB)
Did You Get My Message

Sound Clip 4 (Total Time: 1:36, 1.47MB)

Sound Clip 5 (Total Time: 1:35, 1.45MB)
Mr. Curiosity – Studio Version

Sound Clip 6 (Total Time: 1:10, 1.07MB)
Mr. Curiosity – Live Upbeat Version

photos courtesy of and

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